What to Know About Vacationing at Altitude

Occasionally, we hear from folks who love the idea of visiting a Colorado dude ranch, but worry that they’ll be affected by the elevation. Usually, it’s because they have had a friend or relative who experienced discomfort while vacationing at altitude. They assume they’ll automatically be out of breath from the moment they enter our…

zapata ranch

Home on the Colorado Range

From the onset of this new decade, the times became tough. There was pandemic outbreak, extreme heat followed by scorching fires, ravishing floods, early blizzards and swarms of insects. Was it biblical? Certainly. Is it survivable? Absolutely! How?   Let Colorado ranch legacy demonstrate how to mentally and physically sustain oneself during these times. The…

Mother & Son Planting

No More Pork and Beans

  I was initially inspired to write this piece by my love of lululemon stretch pants under cowgirl boots, a good Colorado Kolsch, and lamb done better than my own Jewish mother could prepare. Pork and beans aside, there is still plenty of authentic dude ranch cuisine available on today’s menu, however, look for a…

Horses and Kids

Why Horses Sometimes Make the Best Doctors

  Do you know what veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, inmates with emotional issues, and teenagers dealing with clinical levels of anxiety all have in common? They all respond more positively to equine therapy than antidepressants. It’s true: horses sometimes make the best doctors and therapists. We point this out because even though there…

Dude Ranch History

A Quick History of the Dude Ranch

  One of the questions we are used to hearing from people who are on their first Colorado ranch vacation is: “who came up with the idea for this, anyway?” After all, ranches have been around for a long time, but they were (and many times still are) businesses designed to raise cattle, along with…

Horses and Kids

Book a Colorado Dude Ranch Vacation: It’s Good For Your Health!

  [maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://www.coloradoranch.com/request-a-brochure/?_ga=1.217974613.296415248.1492098360″ text=”Request A Free Brochure ” ] Have you ever gone on a vacation and come back feeling worse than when you left? That’s unfortunate, but it happens. The stress of travel and planning meals, activities, etc can leave you tired out and worn down. In other words, they can create the…

Booking Your Ranch Vacation on a Budget: Insider Tips

Booking Your Ranch Vacation on a Budget: Insider Tips [maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://www.coloradoranch.com/request-a-brochure/?_ga=1.217974613.296415248.1492098360″ text=”Request a Free Brochure” ] Visiting a Colorado dude ranch is likely to be one of the most affordable vacations you’ll ever book. That’s because you can save money on international travel, cruise ship fees, along with the huge (and often unexpected) expenses…