They’re like four-legged mountain ambassadors. Each has a distinct personality and you just might make a new friend while you’re visiting Colorado. And an all-inclusive ranch is the best place to improve your skills or ride for the first time. Every ranch has different terrain and offer different rides.
The horses are chosen for their temperament and experience, just like our wranglers. In fact, you can count on riding a horse that is specifically matched to your ability and the type of riding you’ll do. Expert instruction and seasoned guides are available to make sure you get exactly the ride you want. Short, all-day, over-night, fast, slow…just about every type of ride is available depending on what you feel like doing.
There are rides just for kids, for parents and for the whole family. Although it’s recommended kids be at least six years old to ride their own horse, there are lots of ways the smallest of the group can enjoy themselves around the barn, with pony carts or with a horse on a lead.)